Securing Tomorrow : The Future of Security in APAC

ASIS Asia Pacific Conference 2024

4th & 5th November 2024

Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel

320 Orchard Rd, Singapore 238865

Speakers Include:

William Tenney

ASIS International

Dr Kumar Ramakrishna


Danny Chan

ASIS International
Global Director

Pierre Trapanese

Northland Controls

Michael Pazarcevic

Regional Manager, APAC

Alvin Chan

Calsius Group


Day 1

0800 – 0900 Registration
0900 – 0905 Welcome Address by Hwee Fong Yong, Chairperson, ASIS Singapore Chapter
0905 – 0915 Welcome Address by Cy. A Oatridge, President, ASIS International
0915 – 0930 Opening Address by GOH
0930 – 0940 Opening Remarks by William Tenney, CEO, ASIS International
0940 – 0950 Opening Remarks by Susan Mosedale, Chief Global Member Engagement Officer, ASIS International
0950 – 1000 Opening Remarks by Danny Chan, ASIS Global Board of Directors
1000 – 1030 Keynote Speaker: Dr Kumar Ramakrishna Dean, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University
1030 – 1100 Networking Tea Break
1100 – 1130 Speaker 1
1130 – 1215 Panel Discussion 1: “The Trends in Extremism and Terrorism in APAC”
1215 – 1345 Networking Lunch
1345 – 1415 Speaker 2
1415 – 1445 Speaker 3
1445 – 1515 Speaker 4
1515 – 1545 Networking Tea Break
1545 – 1630 Panel Discussion 2: “The Impact of the US Presidential Election on APAC Security Dynamics”
1630 – 1730 Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPA) Ceremony
End of Day 1

Day 2

0900 – 0930 Speaker 5
0930 – 1000 Speaker 6
1000 – 1030 Networking Tea Break
1030 – 1100 Speaker 7
1100 – 1200 Panel Discussion 3: “Future-Proofing Security: The Role of AI, IoT, and Emerging Technologies”
1200 – 1330 Networking Lunch
1400 – 1700 Field Visits
End of Day 2


Venue Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor


Mailing Address

ASIS International (Singapore Chapter)
5 Temasek Boulevard, Suntec Office Tower 5, #17-01,
Singapore 038985

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