Reach out…Invite a colleague to join the ASIS community
The New Year is just weeks away. At a time when goals come into sharp focus, you have a powerful opportunity to reach out and connect with security professionals in your network that may benefit from ASIS membership. Benefits such as global networking, peer-driven education, curated information, and leadership development offer practitioners valuable support at any point in their career.
There is nothing more compelling than one security professional sharing his firsthand experience with a peer. You have a unique perspective on the value proposition of membership and can best articulate the rewards of membership to other professionals within the industry.
Get started! Reach out and share the ways in which your career has benefited from engagement in the ASIS community. Your personal story will demonstrate the value of membership and encourage others to join. (Plus, professionals who join now receive membership benefits through the end of 2015–a full 13 months for the cost of 12!)
P.S. We’ll reward your initiative! Go online for more details on our Member-Get-a-Member program.

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