Dear Members,
ASIS International Singapore Chapter is pleased to be a Supporting Organisation of The Travel Safety Conference which will take place on 6th – 7th March 2019 in Singapore. This conference is a new event for the region, which will be exploring some of the leading initiatives used by companies to mitigate the risks faced by globally mobile workforces. Case law from around the world illustrates how employees are effectively demonstrating in court the travel safety negligence of their employers when they sue them following an incident.
By attending the Travel Safety Conference, delegates will be able to hear some of the leading initiatives from organisations on how they mitigate risks to their employees and then assess whether their own in-house travel and risk procedures are fit for purpose and resonating with their workforce.
Full details available at  Online discounted places for ASIS members is now in place. Members just have to choose ASIS Member under ‘Select registrant type’ and members will be able to book at the 25% reduced rate of S$638.

For all enquiries, contact Caroline Fuller at