Dear Member,

Due to the pandemic situation in 2020, ASIS International (Singapore Chapter) is unable to organise many of the field visits and networking dinners with which many of our members have grown accustomed to.

To make up for this, and to thank members for their continued support, ASIS International (Singapore Chapter) will be presenting eligible members with a $20 NTUC voucher and a limited edition USB power bank. This is only for members who joined the local Chapter before 30 June 2020.

Both the voucher and power bank will be couriered as one package to the member’s preferred address on mainland Singapore.

To facilitate our preparation, please click on the link below and provide your name, preferred delivery dates and timings, and preferred mailing address.

The deadline for providing this information is 31 Oct 2020. We regret that submissions after this date cannot be accomodated.

Thank you. 

Honorary Secretary