Dear Members,
ASIS International (Singapore Chapter) is proud to partner with United Women Singapore for the upcoming webinar, where our panelists will show insights on security technology as well as emerging career pathways within the security industry.

Panel discussion topic: Emerging Career Trends for Women in STEM
Date: Tuesday 16 August 2022
Platform: Zoom
Ticket price: Complimentary
Discussion Agenda
- Introduction to the organization
- Introduction to the panelists and their roles in the organization
- Introduction to Security Technology/importance of security technology in our present fast-evolving world.
- Personal academic pathways/journeys (for women, a point to touch upon could be their experience working in a male-dominated field, any challenges they faced
- Importance of their role/work to the customer/client/end-user
- An insight into the intersectionality of the roles portrayed
- Guide to resources/tips on how to potentially make a career in the field
- Q & A
Registration Link: Save Your Spot Today!
Kind Regards
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ASIS International (Singapore Chapter)
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