ASIS & ISRM Singapore Conference 2022
Dear Members,
In his National Day message on 9 August, Singapore’s Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Hsien Loong cautioned that the road ahead would not be easy and that a storm was gathering.
Mr. Lee spoke about the worsening US-China relations, with intractable issues, deep suspicions, and limited engagement between them. He said any miscalculations or mishaps could easily make things much worse.
The Premier also spoke about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the profound implications it has for the world and for Singapore. He warned that the war in Europe would affect regional security in the Asia-Pacific.
These geopolitical upheavals have come on top of the prevalent Covid-19 pandemic which continues to cause disruptions in the global food and supply chains and the concurrent spirals of inflation.
To make matters worse, the changing climate is causing natural havoc around the world, damaging cash crops and vegetation as well as the livelihood of farmers and the peasantry.
In light of the above challenges, ASIS International (Singapore Chapter) and the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (Singapore Chapter) are joining forces to organise the Singapore Conference 2022 to take stock of the international happenings at the Marina Bay Sands Singapore Expo Centre on Thursday, 17 Nov 2022.
Themed “Sustainability for the Future – Beyond Risk and Resilience”, the ASIS & ISRM Singapore Conference 2022 will provide a strategic business management presentation, focusing on existential business risk in the APAC region, enterprise security risk management, business resilience, and sustainability security.
Business leaders and captains of industry will be invited to share their experiences and prognosis of the near-term difficulties in respect to rising inflation and keeping costs down, to coping with the economic and political fallout from the pandemic, the Ukraine crisis, and their knock-on effects on business certainty and supply chains, amongst others.
As co-hosts, ASIS and ISRM are delighted to welcome speakers and delegates to share their thoughts and knowledge; as well as sponsoring organisations to support our efforts in presenting this signature event as we chart our ways forward and Sustaining the Future – Beyond Risk and Resilience.
To purchase tickets for this event, visit our website at
Promo code:
Register before 15 Oct: EARLYBIRDASISISRM
Register 15 Oct onwards: ASISISRM2022CONF
Remarks: Members who are recertifying their CPP/PCI/PSP, can consider attending the conference as at least 6 CPEs will be awarded to attendees.
For more information, visit our website at

Kind Regards
Member Services
ASIS International (Singapore Chapter)
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