Holiday Inn Orchard City on Friday, 6 December 2024.
We are pleased to cordially invite everyone for the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of ASIS International (Singapore Chapter) which will be held at Holiday Inn Orchard City on Friday, 6 December 2024.
This significant local paid-up chapter members-only event is to give updates on the activities, and achievements of the Singapore Chapter for FY 23/24 and the election of a new Management Committee, and Honorary Internal Auditors. The Chapter Chair will present her report during the AGM.

The registration will be closed on 2 December 2024
All AGM attendees are invited to stay on for the presentation and networking dinner after the AGM, at the same venue.
* Photos and videos of you may be taken during the event for publicity and marketing purposes.
** By registering for this event, you consent to allow ASIS International (Singapore Chapter) to collect, use and disclose your personal data for the purpose of event planning and registration.
1. Only Singapore Chapter paid-up Active and Life members in good standing (as of 30 September 2024) are eligible to attend the AGM, including the right to vote at the meeting. Student members don’t have voting rights hence will not be allowed during the AGM.
2. A local paid-up member who is absent for valid reason is allowed to vote through proxy. The proxy must be a local paid-up member. The proxy is allowed to vote on behalf of only one absentee member. The absentee member must fill up the proxy form and write in to inform the Honorary Secretary (via email at by 4 December 2024, 2000hr to inform the reason for his/her absence and identify the local paid-up member whom he/she has authorized to vote on his/her behalf. 3. Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of the annual general meeting may do so provided he/she gives notice to the Honorary Secretary (via email) before the meeting is due to be held, i.e. by 27 November 2024.
In the event is oversubscribed, Honorary Internal Auditors will be called upon to ensure fairness in the balloting. All successful in-person registrants for the event will be informed by 3 December 2024.
The documents from the 2023 AGM can be found at these links:
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