May 6, 2022 | Courses, CPP/PSP Review Program
Dear Members,The CPP® designation from ASIS International is accepted as the international standard of competence in physical security. The CPP® designation is confirmation that a practitioner has mastered a recognized body of knowledge and has a thorough...
Apr 29, 2022 | Courses, CPP/PSP Review Program
Dear Members, The PSP® designation from ASIS International is accepted as the international standard of competence in physical security. The PSP® designation is confirmation that a practitioner has mastered a recognized body of knowledge and has a thorough...
Apr 27, 2022 | Professional Development, Webinars
Dear Members, Security Discipline is nowadays a standard feature in most if not all design projects and also in constructions projects, and the undeniable necessity of having good security is obvious to everybody. The Security Discipline can provide important...
Apr 8, 2022 | Courses, CPP/PSP Review Program
Dear Members, The PSP® designation from ASIS International is accepted as the international standard of competence in physical security. The PSP® designation is confirmation that a practitioner has mastered a recognized body of knowledge and has a thorough...
Apr 2, 2022 | Announcements, Newsletter
Dear Members,The ASIS International (Singapore Chapter) Q1/2022 Newsletter is available now. You can download a copy of the newsletter here.Kind RegardsMember ServicesASIS International (Singapore Chapter)
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